
write down

발음:   write down 예문


예문 더보기:   다음>
  1. Write down his number. I'll call him. I'll track him down.
    남편 분 번호 적어주세요 제가 전화해 볼게요
  2. Mr. Berne write down the chemical formula for phosphate, please.
    베르느 씨 인광석의 화학공식을 써보시오
  3. You didn't think to write down where we parked the car?
    차 어디에 주차했는지 안 적어놨어요?
  4. Well, write down your details on this.
    자, 여기 정보를 쓰세요
  5. Let me just write down your name.
    그쪽 이름 좀 적을께요

기타 단어

  1. "writ" 뜻
  2. "write" 뜻
  3. "write access" 뜻
  4. "write action module" 뜻
  5. "write expressly" 뜻
  6. "write illegibly" 뜻
  7. "write in" 뜻
  8. "write in shorthand" 뜻
  9. "write access" 뜻
  10. "write action module" 뜻
  11. "write expressly" 뜻
  12. "write illegibly" 뜻